294th anniversary of the Consecration of the first Synagogue in North America

LOWER MANHATTAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION held its Fourth Annual Ceremony honoring the 294th anniversary of the Consecration of the first Synagogue in North America on Friday, April 12, 2024, at 26 South William Street co-named ‘Mill Street Synagogue & Seixas Way.’  


The Mill Street Synagogue, located approximately on what is today the corner of South William Street and Mill Lane in Lower Manhattan, was critically important to the development of the Jewish Community in New York City and America. It was from this synagogue that Gershom Mendes Seixas, the “patriot rabbi”, led the Jewish community in New York in support of the American Revolution and participated in George Washington‘s Inauguration.

The ceremony included remarks by Peter C. Hein, President, Sons of the RevolutionSM in the State of New York, Inc. Secretary, Lower Manhattan Historical Association and the presentation of the GERSHOM MENDES SEIXAS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AWARD to Gemma Birnbaum, the Executive Director, American Jewish Historical Society who has fostered Rabbi Seixas’ ideals of religious freedom. The program also included remarks by Ambrose Richardson, President Lower Manhattan Historical Association James S. Kaplan, Co-Founder & Chair, Lower Manhattan Historical Association; Previous recipients 2021- Ambassador John L. Loeb, Jr. Businessman, Philanthropist, 2022 - Rabbi Joseph Potasnik Executive Vice President, New York Board of Rabbis, 2023 - Bill Tingling Founder & CEO, The Tour for Tolerance; The Honorable Councilmember Christopher Marte, New York City Council, District 1; Reverend Zachary Edinger, Sexton, Congregation Shearith Israel; Rabbi Nissi Eber, The Jewish Learning Experience; The program concluded with the reading of the Letter from George Washington to the Hebrew Congregation of Newport, RI (August 18, 1790) by Caroline Kaplan.

293rd anniversary of the Consecration of the first Synagogue in North America